Tartana Command Line

Tartana is made to run on command line without any interaction trough the web interface. Trough the configuration you can fully configure Tartana.

Tartana is designed to be controlled trough an external daemon preferably a cron job. The command php cli/app.php is running all the necessary tasks to full run Tartana.

  1. It scans the folder for link files (txt or dlc).
  2. It starts downloads in the queue, if run in local mode.
  3. It scans the processed downloads and extracts them.


The cli/app.php PHP script accepts the two following main commands:

  • default

    The main command which runs all the tasks needed from Tartana.

    Example: php cli/app.php default

  • server

    Starts the built in web server as described (here)[running.md]. You can add the following arguments start or stop and options --port [-p], --background [-b].

    Example: php cli/app.php server start --port=9009

  • update

    Updates Tartana to the latest version. As default it updates from the latest release from Github. If you want to provide your own update server, set the parameter in the configuration.

    Example: php cli/app.php update

  • download:control

    Allows to control the downloads. The following actions are available:

    • status
      Displays a table of the downloads.

    • details
      Displays a table with details from a download, needs the id= parameter.

    • clearall
      Removes all downloads.

    • clearcompleted
      Removes all successfully processed downloads.

    • clearfailed
      Removes all failed (downloading or processing) downloads.

    • resumeall
      Resumes all downloads.

    • resumefailed
      Resumes the downloads which have failed downloading or processing.

    • reprocess
      Reprocesses the completed or processed downloads. This is handy if you want to extract the downloads again.

    The status and the other actions do support a --destination (eg. --destination=demo) option. This options filters downloads by the destination string and runs the action only on that subset. The --compact (eg. --compact) option shows the status action in compact mode.

    Example: php cli/app.php download:control status destination=test

  • fos:user:

    Manages the users. More information can be found in the user documentation.

    Example: php cli/app.php fos:user:create john


You can add some options when running a command:

  • -q, --quit

    Do not output any message.

  • -e, --env=ENV

    The Environment name. [default: "prod"]

  • -v|-vv|-vvv, --verbose

    Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug.