Tartana Configuration

Before you can configure Tartana make sure you have installed it correctly. In the folder app/config you will find the whole configuration for Tartana. If you have started Tartana already then the file app/config/parameters.yml will be auto generated. If not you can copy it from parameters.dist.yml and adapt it to your needs. You can change the parameters also trough the web interface.

The following list describes the parameters in more detail:

  • tartana.dateFormat [m.d.Y h:i a]

    The date format to be displayed on the front.

  • tartana.links.folder [var/data/Links]

    The folder which will be monitored for the link files (txt or dlc).

  • tartana.links.convertToHttps [true]

    Should the links to download being converted to https.

  • tartana.links.hostFilter []

    Should only links being added which belong to the host (exampledrive.google.com). This setting supports regex as well. If you want to exclude hosts from google, then put ^((?!google.com).)*$ as host filter.

  • tartana.extract.destination [var/data/New]

    Where to extract the downloads to.

  • tartana.extract.passwordFile [app/config/passwords.dist.txt]

    The password file which should be used during extract.

  • tartana.extract.deleteFiles [true]

    After the files have been extracted, should they be deleted.

  • tartana.sound.destination [var/data/Sound]

    The destination directory to convert the downloads to mp3.

  • tartana.sound.hostFilter []

    Should only downloads being converted to mp3 which belong to the host (exampledrive.google.com). This setting supports regex as well. If you want to exclude hosts from google, then put ^((?!google.com).)*$ as host filter.

  • tartana.local.enabled [true]

    If Tartana should run without a Synology back end set it to true (set tartana.synology.enabled to false!).

  • tartana.local.downloads [var/data/Downloads]

    When running the local download repository where should the downloads being saved to.

  • tartana.local.downloads.speedlimit [0]

    The total max speed of the downloads in kb, if it is < 1 no download speed will be set.

  • tartana.local.downloads.daylimit [0]

    The total amount in kb which can be downloaded per day, if it is < 1 no download amount restriction will be set.

  • tartana.synology.enabled [false

    Should Tartana run with a synology back end (set tartana.local.enabled to false!).

  • tartana.synology.address [https://localhost:5001/webapi]

    The address of the Synology server to connect to.

  • tartana.synology.username [admin]

    The username of the Synology server user to connect to.

  • tartana.synology.password [admin]

    The password of the Synology server user to connect to.

  • tartana.synology.downloads [/volume1/shares/Downloads]

    Where can the downloads being found.

  • tartana.synology.downloadShare [shares/Downloads]

    Synology needs a share folder to create the downloads in, this path should point to the same location as the downloads path above.

  • tartana.log.path ["%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"]

    The path to the log file.

  • tartana.log.level [debug]

    The log level.

  • tartana.update.url: [github]

    The update url to fetch the latest Tartana version from. If the path is a file on the server, you can define it also relative to the install directory.

  • database.path ["%kernel.root_dir%/../var/data.db"]

    The path to the local database file.

  • secret [457152e95295f63116eb776d43ac3d0c41e58905]
